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Hello World!

Building this website has given me a reason to get excited about web development again. I have made myself dozens of different websites over the last 25 years. You can see a few on waybackmachine.

Aiming for consistency here over other metrics.

Rather than going back too far into the past, I'm going to keep these posts focused to what I'm currently building.

After 5 years of half-hearted attempts to get a small arduino LED controller built out, I got a ESP D1 Mini running off a small lipo rechargable battery with a strip of LEDS. I was trying to use Arena's ArtNet implementation, but ended up going with WLED.

I have many ideas for what I will use this kind of thing for. This specific build is for Genius Pills.

I found this amazing open source LED build on youtube when I was looking for instructions on my build. Now I want a 3D printer to try and make my own.

I'm inspired to try and get an LLM running on a raspberry pi next, like this. I think it would be really cool to have a small standalone device that was full voice control using an open source LLM. I have no doubt we'll see commercial products like this within 12-18 months that are amazing. They very likely wont let you keep all your own data securely out of the cloud.

It's Friday, I connected some of my network with each other successfully and I'm cleaning the garden to get the new pizza oven dialed in for a weekend of friends and family. I hope you have a great weekend too, thank you for taking the time to visit here. I appreciate you.